Community Activist For Regeneration Energy

Venue: Poland (the exact location and the venue details will be announced in mid-February)

Dates: 15 – 24 March 2022


Description of the Training Course

The pandemic is having a huge impact on us – youth workers – and above all on the young people with whom we deal on a daily basis.
Locked up in our homes, isolated, filled with fear and uncertainty, we didn’t have enough tools to deal with a completely new situation in which we found ourselves basically without warning, overnight.
Our organizations had to switch to remote mode, which has often been associated with reduced impact and loss of deeper contact with most of the youth, we work with. The need to transfer all work online, the uncertainty whether our organizations and partners with whom we have carried out our missions so far will survive the crisis, the feeling of loneliness has also had a strong impact on our well-being, our motivation, and our faith in the possibility of making a change.
We are trying to rebuild our organizations and contacts, to start acting with new energy. However, in order to do this, we feel that we need some cleansing, reworking, and closing of the last 2 years.

CARE was born from the need to look at, take care of and finally develop tools for us, youth workers.
We want to look at what effect the pandemic has had on us at the level of the body, thoughts, relationships, and motivation. We want to close a certain stage and gain distance, learn and develop new practices and habits against burnout. After many months of working remotely, we also want to refresh contacts and build relationships based on meeting and working together.
Pandemic made us realize the importance of a holistic understanding of the well-being of youth workers holistically.

By the meeting, we want to take care of ourselves, strengthen and prepare to take on new activities, but also teach specific tools that can help in this still uncertain reality.


Poland, Hungary, Portugal, France, Estonia, Finland, Ukraine, Georgia, Albania and Kosovo.

What the participants can expect:

CARE is first and foremost a meeting, and by meeting we mean space where we can share experiences and learn. This is the aim of the project.

The participants under the supervision of trainers and coaches will acquire new skills in working with emotions, time management, and future planning.
We will look at our emotions, learn more about stress and burnout, how it manifests itself in our bodies, minds and how it affects relationships.

We will look at the priorities, goals, dreams, and values that guide us in our work.

We will learn techniques to prevent burnout and build mental toughness.

Participants throughout the project will have the opportunity to take part in coaching sessions.


  • 18-29 y.o Ukrainian nationals;
  • active youth workers – staff members of partner organizations, activists, volunteers and youth leaders;
  • firmly rooted in the localcommunity;
  • able to communicate in English on at least B1 level;
  • able and willing to disseminate the project results out of the project partnership;
  • need some CARE after time of burden and instability.

Travel costs to and from the venue are covered according to the Erasmus+ on the travel distance per participant, and on the basis of the most economical transport fare.

If you meet the participants profile criteria, surely available between 15 – 24 March and interested to participate, contact us via email and request the detailed Info Pack.

We will be glad to welcome you on the Board of Participants.

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