Past forward – transforming reality

Social conflict is phenomenon of human creation located in relationships. That is people actively involved in creating situations and interactions that they experience as a conflict. These interactions are rooted in people history, experiences, perceptions, interpretations and expressions of their realities.

In order to assure a quality youth educational work the facilitators, leaders and trainers should be equipped with different skills and abilities for detecting and analyzing a conflict in this setting, as well as using different methods for transforming it for the betterment and progress of society. We believe that acquiring alternative and effective instruments for dealing with these issues is necessary and represents a priority for youth workers in order to increase impact of their work and influence social changes in their respective communities.

The main goal of the project is to increase knowledge and improve skills in the area of conflict transformation in order to increase the impact of youth work and its contribution to the social change.

More specific objectives are:

• to increase the abilities of Conflict Analysis and introduce different methods for its execution;

• to develop skills in using approaches of Conflict Transformation, with the special emphasis on transforming relationships;

• to increase the awareness of non-violent approach in conflict transformation;

• to improve the negotiation and mediation skills of the participants;

• to improve the communication skills;

• to empower the participants to use and adapt conflict transformation methods in youth work

• to improve skills in using variety of non-formal education methods;

• to stimulate the participants to act as multipliers in their own organization and regions;


The impact on participants, as direct beneficiaries of the course, is going to be achieved through their active participation in the training course and online learning platform, their extensive learning by doing and a lot of practical experiences in the training course. Team of the training course will be working closely with promoters in charge of sending participants to the course in order to ensure that they have a safe space and opportunities provided to put their knowledge and skills gained in practice and therefore ensure that knowledge does not only remain on the declarative level. The best way to ensure the impact is for the participants to employ their knowledge and skills in their youth work and work in educational settings, which will ensure wider effects of the training course. Participants will also be supported by the team in the follow phase of the course in order to make sure that the knowledge is consolidated and efforts sustained.

The project aims are going to be achieved through a coordinated effort of participants, the team and the organisations. As it has been said, partner organisations need to provide activities and projects for young people and support their youth workers/ trainers/ facilitators in working on them; participants need to implement newly gained approaches and methods; while the team needs to support them in this initial process, both through the online platform and individual mentoring and support.

The project dates will be available soon.

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